Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monica's House

I live in a three woman digs, but no one would know that just by judging by the constant amount of people that we always have over! It’s like Monica’s house in Friends but instead of a cast of thirty something’s ; we have a bunch of energized, confused friends that have either finished their degrees and are beginning “real-life” or friends that (like me) are attempting to further their studies.

Our house has been dubbed the triple D’s.  The name started out as a Cocky comment initially made by some smart arsed boy-man, but its stuck and we all chose to embrace it. Eventually.

My blog will, as of now, be an in depth exploration of some of the interesting happenings of the Triple D house hold.

But first it is imperative to understand the strange yet perfectly working dynamic we have. So there’s a Porra-Jew (me), a Pole (my Robyn) and a the Leb (TP). All social, distinctively different yet equally dramatic philanthropists that enjoy playing with life, and don’t share the same tastes in series or movies and food (due to vegetarianism and wheat intolerance). Our favourite group activity in the house is organising activities and especially the good old tea-hubbly-popcorn combo.

I’ll explain our dynamic in a simple way:
My Robyn hears about a play coming out.
 Myself and TP want to come.
 TP wants to invite everyone. So My Robyn invites everyone.
Dana wants to drink before.
 TP and My Robyn want to eat before

And so what we eventually had was 16 very different people at Primi’s for a cocktail special and dinner before all marching off to go watch Defending the Caveman.

 What followed the play was only the most historical gender show down that Cape Town has ever seen. The game: 30 seconds, the teams: Girls vs Boys, the prize: respect.
Who would win?
The girls (DUH)
The girls managed to dominate using our creativity  and “our ability to not allow logic to hinder us” as the play so happily pointed out. We had some real beauts in this game! Lexi, the master of riddles says “He’s an actor and his name kinda sounds like what a dog wears around his neck”.
Wtf right?!
And yet somehow I managed to get out of the Lexi riddle: Colin Farrel
Years of practice.
That was just on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. The last anecdote in the post is potentially funny. In fact the theme could be a very entertaining one. You have all the ingredients in the house of the Triple Ds. What you do need, however, is some polish in the style of your writing. You MUST bring this to me so I can help you and show you where it can be improved. Much of it is just grammar and punctuation, but correcting that is very important. Colloquialisms and slang are perfectly acceptable, but absent or incorrect punctuation and flawed grammar are not. I could give this a high mark for entertainment value and wit, but the other errors make that impossible.

    Please keep writing to this theme; you need to catch up! 63
