Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Those 'creatives'

I studied theatre and performance for a whole tertiary year of my life and I absolutely loved it. I am now an avid play goer. It helps that my Robyn studies theatre and performance at UCT so I always know when all these cheap plays are and what they’re about. My Robyn tells me about the third years’ movement exhibition on Friday night.
This is how my brain works: R20 + potential entertainment= Good idea!

I invite my long time high school friend Kelso to come along. She’s one of those very logical, yet creatively comedic know-it-all characters that enjoy the small things in life. She’s ‘that friend’ that occasionally blurts out some really great and unforgettable bloopers like “I think I’d be an excellent mathamatologist”. I heard her say this 6 years ago, and it’s definitely one of her best.

As everyone knows with theatre: it’s in terpretive and not everyone enjoys it. These performances were no different. The first performance was ridiculous. I didn’t mind the gas masks or the tormented and staggered breathing, or even the surplus of mirrors. It was just pointless and it felt like it went on for a few hours. Hours of strange twitches and swinging arms, instead of the 7 minutes it really was.

After that performance I was curious to find out what the logical Kelso’s feelings on the performance was. She merely looked at me and smacked me with her classic humorous charm: “Dude, we’re in that episode of Friends where Joey performs in the worst 3 hour play ever and everyone has to pretend they enjoyed it. Well I won’t do it! I refuse to be a part of that episode!” Ah Kelso, so clear, so concise, so obviously a film buff.

Thankfully we were happily entertained by the next 6 performances. They had everything a semi grown up could want: exotic chorus’s to supplement the movement of a man acting as a bull, jumping castles, elevation equipment, shadow fights, love stories and best of all nudity.

We managed to discuss the pieces like real grown-up’s. Kelso even managed to drop her filmic jargon and replace it with some proper thespian phrases and interpretive words like “juxtapose”and “narrative”. I’m so proud!

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