My second advert that I quite like is a KY gel advert.
How do you sell sex or "personal lubricant" without showing any skin?? hmmmmm... use a pussy cat and a hole to represent, well... you know... "it".
If you dont know what I'm talking about then please call both your parents right now and ask them to explain. I'm sure they'll happily oblige, alternatively stop reading now.
After exploring adverts from the inside out these last few weeks I have begun to notice a few things:
1)puns- advertising is covered in them and they rarely work but are fun to point out as crap
2)problem solution ideas- wowee as a student who engaged in this kind of idea creating I now see why this is indeed a crap POA.
Now, after ditching all I know I now have to recreate what I think is "good".
So now to me "good" is the ability to sell a product without the actual product.(If this is true or not still needs to be established but at this point ITS TRUE)
So to sell lubricant without the usual parts that is a wee bit tough and somehow it can be done!

A cat that was so smart that it covered itself in this awesome product that it managed to squeeze itself through a tiny hole to get some action. Brilliant.
Now I begin to think... what else could I use KY for?????
How do you sell sex or "personal lubricant" without showing any skin?? hmmmmm... use a pussy cat and a hole to represent, well... you know... "it".
If you dont know what I'm talking about then please call both your parents right now and ask them to explain. I'm sure they'll happily oblige, alternatively stop reading now.
After exploring adverts from the inside out these last few weeks I have begun to notice a few things:
1)puns- advertising is covered in them and they rarely work but are fun to point out as crap
2)problem solution ideas- wowee as a student who engaged in this kind of idea creating I now see why this is indeed a crap POA.
Now, after ditching all I know I now have to recreate what I think is "good".
So now to me "good" is the ability to sell a product without the actual product.(If this is true or not still needs to be established but at this point ITS TRUE)
So to sell lubricant without the usual parts that is a wee bit tough and somehow it can be done!
A cat that was so smart that it covered itself in this awesome product that it managed to squeeze itself through a tiny hole to get some action. Brilliant.
Now I begin to think... what else could I use KY for?????
Good! Although I'm fairly sure this is a scam ad - ie. not real, done by an agency to enter for awards. There are so many 'scam' KY ads, but you'll learn to spot all the 'made for awards' advertising. 65