I suppose this is a touchy subject for some. Luckily the some that would get touchy about this aren’t the kind of people the advert is targeting and aren’t the kind of people that read this blog.
Ambiguity is an awesome thing. I wish people where more (cleverly) ambiguous then it might be more entertaining to speak to strangers. “I love eating dogs” That one was my favourites, said by my little cousin at the ripe old age of 17. Genius. She meant she loved dogs that were eating, like they were cute or something (its not cute).
Butt (see what I did there)
But I like this advert because we all (and especially the gay community) like to think that the butt is completely indicative of the gay community. I’d like to think that we all know why. If you don’t, don’t worry about it or alternatively ask a priest or someone with a high religious standing. They should be able to fill you in.
The other side of America. Brilliant. Mount Roushmore is being alluded to here as being the straight, solid, predictable side whereas the other side is the different side. The “gay” side.
I realise its a pun but I also realise that sometimes puns can be pretty awesome too.
I wonder if gay guys would find this funny? The straight world seems to think that bottoms are a symbol of gay life when gay men tell me that the er, 'bum' part of it is not that er, big. I wonder if they could have done this using faces? 67