Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Roommate...

I’m just not one of those people who enjoy scary movies. I react similarly to a toddler: I cover my eyes and simultaneously watch the film through my parted fingers. I don’t blink. I scream out loud. And like a toddler I go to sleep and dream about the horrors. They affect me to the point that the horrific memory  follows me into dark rooms, behind doors and even some sound effects make a frequent appearance in my overly stimulated mind.
Fully realising my complete inability to handle any form of scary movie, my lovely Flatmate selected “the roommate” for us to watch on a movie night at home. It was about an obsessive university student clings on to her res roommate and essentially starts interfering in her life to the point that she starts trying to control who she speaks to and results in aggression and even murder. This characters glances and stares were nothing short of shrilling. I’ll admit it wasn’t the greatest film of all time but it was enough to freak me out!
My flatmate began with the torture by simulating those glances and stares; she even interrupted me when I was talking to another friend to announce that I was not allowed to talk to anyone but her. Her glares, although hilarious, began to creep me out to the point that I couldn’t even look at her. My laughter quickly turned to nervous squeaks.

Her determination to become the character was impressive! When I returned home I found a lovely drawn picture waiting for me on my pillow. It said Dana and Tara 4ever with a picture of me in the centre and a drawn picture of my boyfriend with a knife in his chest.

It was hilarious! I laughed until I fell to my knees, tears where in my eyes and my cheeks ached. Tara had fully transformed into my fears, strangely she did this in the most unbelievable abdominal workout kind of way.
I’m far less reluctant (although still pretty reluctant) to watch scary movies and I think my lovely, and character driven flatmate helped me overcome some kind of fear.

Weird way to help your friend, but hey, it works!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I can't see the pictures on this one. Good story, but you don't need any exclamation marks. Remove them and the wit becomes drier and more intelligent. (Somehow) 68
