Sunday, April 3, 2011

Errrr... I don't get it

Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don’t.
This I did not get. At all. The image is so graphically appealing that it lulls you into a false sense of excitement. The thought going through my head was “this is so exciting! It’s a water house! What does it mean” then I read the headline “no more hairfall problems”.

Huh? It flew over my head and it wasn’t for lack of trying that I didn’t manage to connect the dots. It just feels like the dots are a bit far apart. Maybe with a smarter headline the dots would be closer.
I realised later on that if your drain clogs full of hair that the water won’t drain! Amazing insight (not really)! But in my mind I guess if this was the case I would stop running the water.  So there it is, the girl who didn’t ‘get’ the ad knows how to solve the problem! HALLALUYAH. At least I hadn’t completely wasted my time.
I think that a good headline can be a concept’s saving grace but it’s like a lot of things in life: if you’re too close you can’t see it for what it really is.

Take the good old “I hate my best friends’ boyfriend” cliché. Okay so your mate is in love with a super arsehole that refers to her as cupcake and pinches her friends’ bums at any given chance. She can’t see it. She is too close. Anyone on the outside can see this phallic representative for the shmuck he is but she never will.

 It’s just like a good headline. Although unlike your mates crap relationship, you won’t be too upset if someone, out of the goodness of their heart, crits your headline by saying: “I know you love it but its crap”.


  1. Intriguing visual. I think I would have got it. Can't be sure though, because you explained it. Check your punctation! 66

  2. This would be a genius ad for Kids wetting their beds!
