My big sister is a real big sister. She’s the type of big sister that bosses you around when you’re little and even though you try fight it, a part of you actually likes it. My friends (even now) think she’s scary. She’s the perfect teacher-type. And now, she IS a teacher at our old high school.
At first it was just fun to call her ma’am around the house and especially in public. She pretends to hate it but actually she loves it. I went back to school for a day to visit her and she turned on one of the poor, innocent, shy kids that was looking a bit scruffy. “Brush your hair! You look like a womble, and please stand up straight before you turn into Gollum”. What a lovely, kind, big sister I have, right? Then I looked around properly and saw exactly what I looked like 5 years ago!
I’m a generic! They are generics! Nothing has changed since I left high school. Now, I see it from the other perspective: The annoying chit-chat at the back, the silly giggles when the word “reproductive” comes up, the long haired boys and the silly girls wearing make-up. It was kind of creepy.

Now, to add to the whole doppelganger thing, I’m seeing my old teachers as people. Actual people. Not the tyrants that loved to pile on the homework and shout at you when you came a minute late into class.
Sigh...I think I’m growing up
An interesting subject but I was a bit confused halfway, about what point you were trying to make. Feel like it needs a better intro and ending, and could be longer. 64