Monday, April 11, 2011

I had the pleasure of enjoying a crit of what boys like to do when they choose female products to work on. The product in particular was a sports bra. So being a boy I guess they get excited at the prospect of being allowed to draw breasts openly.
The scamps that were drawn were indeed hilarious and outrageous and actually extremely entertaining. Ultimately its aim was to insult its target market into buying the product. This was done by emphasising the unfortunate yet natural progression of firm perky breasts into sad long droopy breasts that are so droopy they end up in your food.

 But something tells me that this insight might, just not be the best option to sell sports bra’s.
Then I found this gem of an advert that does in fact insult its target market into buying the product.

This advert basically says “in case your kids are mildly retarded you should either a) get them some help or b) pick the cheaper option and give them john west tuna since it’s so super duperly PACKED with omega3”.
I think this advert is really amusing and somehow truthful because we know kids can be stupid and willingly engage in dangerous activities. Yet this ‘insult technique’ is less offensive than a woman with boobs so droopy they land in her food.

On the bright side of things, I find quite a lot of adverts mildly offensive as many focus on strange human truths but because no one is really saying it we find it funny.
Advertising is the “no one” , advertising is the Jew with the Jew jokes, the black guy that can call other black guys ____________, and just about any group that humanity enjoy poking a wee bit of fun at.

I think this sums it up:

1 comment:

  1. Don't know why I missed this in April... 68
